For some reason, we are here again.
When this happens in my life, I always say,
“Hmmm. Why is this is still happening in my life? What am I missing that this is back here now?”
A few weeks ago I said to some friends, no matter what happens, we will need to do this differently moving forward. This planet, this country, this mind, this body will not survive doing it as we have been for the last 8 years.
So, I’m going to do it differently.
For me that looks like turning away from the hand-wringing narratives of mainstream media and turning toward thoughtful independent journalism.
For me that looks like disconnecting from social media that I have used to feel less lonely, and connecting with the physical people in my home, neighborhood and city (and other countries) to spend time with.
For me that looks like taking in much less what other people are saying, and putting out much more of what I want to say.
I am also choosing to be much more mindful about what perspective I am using to understand the world.
The part of my brain that loves to make things easy by simplifying them into black and white wants to be in charge during times of chaos because that is how it is wired, that is it’s job. But it only looks for the information from others in the world that confirms that there is only black and white in the world. This did not work for me before, and so I am choosing to remember who I really am.
I am a systems theorist by nature, and integralist from the first day I became conscious of my own thinking. I see all the views - “black and white”, the power of the “individual” and the deep interdependence of all of life. I see why we have all those ways of seeing. In Integral theory we call those worldviews Traditional, Modern and Post-Modern (I highly recommend Post-Truth World by Ken Wilber or Developmental Politics by Steve McIntosh to learn what that means).
I am excited because my new podcast, Humans on the Verge, will be premiering in January and I will get to speak with others who also see the big picture from lots of different angles.
And I will also be sharing in that space how I have found the courage and heard the call of necessity to navigate the change and deep shifts I have lived through as a human, daughter, wife, creative, citizen, healer, entrepreneur and out-loud thinker.
I am rethinking my story by making new decisions about how to move forward to make this world more open, fair, hopeful, where goodwill flows, where we can meet each other in a sincere effort to understand what we each value, and where everyone’s efforts can be rewarded and respected.
Since I will no longer be spending time hanging out on social media, I will be opening a low-cost membership to my private online community, also called Humans on the Verge, o folks who are looking to connect with my ideas and thoughts, and if they want the paths I have used to feel more centered in a rich and meaningful life. The community is filled with people who are on a personal journey to discover their Soul Courage so that they can move into the world with more authenticity, clarity and grit as they reinvent who they are, their lives and/or the world around them. More on that later.
If you are grieving, afraid or feel dead inside, do the grief work you need to do to move through all of that, and then rejoin your life. The joy and enthusiasm you had hoped to be living into is still available to you, but you must choose it.
And if you are feeling triumphant and like you’ve won, congratulations. And I hope that you also know that we as a people, a country and as a world can’t go on like this and that you too are ready to live a new story.
Either way, we are here again because we the people have not done the inner work nor the human work to change what really needs to be changed.
Let’s discover from an open mind and heart what that is so we can start to do it.
We the people are the only ones that can.
Your beautiful Manifesto is manifesting. May it be so.
Thank you for this much needed note. Looking forward to it!