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Here’s the transcript:
Just wanted to say that I'm here to apologize that there hasn't been more content in this space the last however many months it's been.
I have to say that part of it is because I feel like I have to show up a certain way here or show up a certain way in public. I have to model something.
And of course part of that is my own neurosis because you know, I'm the offspring of a culturally influential human and with that comes a certain pressure to show up in the world like you know what the fuck you're doing, at least that's my version of how I'm supposed to show up in the world.
Maybe for other people. It's something else, but part of what stops me from being here is this thing that I think we all suffer from which is perfectionism - looking good, keeping our reputation up. Not looking like a messy human, like the messy humans we all are.
And yet we are that so much.
So just wanted to say that.
This year 2024, and I know it's March so I know it's a little late, but it's been a crazy fucking first two months for me, I just want to say that this year I'm going to show up just in whatever state I am.
Sometimes it'll be messy. Sometimes it'll be looking like I got my shit together. But always I want to know that it's from my heart. It's my truth. It's what I want to say to the world, what I want to share with you and as always, I hope that you can relate to it in some way, can feel a little less alone in this very messy world with all of our messiness.
So I want to thank you for subscribing. I want to thank you if you're a paid subscriber here, and I want to let you know that, oh that my vow to my soul, my vow to my one who needs to express into the world, is that I'm just going to express and model that.
So here's to modeling messy, but true expression.
I love messy. 😎
When you "come as you are," Kelly, you give us all permission to tell our truths from where we are. This is a huge thing! So thanks for telling your truth.